Blog for 8/29/2010
The reason why pro wrestling operates like a "secret society" is that there has to be a dividing line b/ween what the audience sees and what happens in the back. Otherwise there would be "bleedover" and the illusion could not be maintained.....
After the whole Bryan Danielson (how he was "fired", and then re-surfaced @ Summerslam) incident happened, I said to myself, I am just gonna sit back and enjoy the ride. There were times in my life where I subscribed to the whole SMARK movement, I subscribed to newsletters, I knew it all. Bottom line is that unless I am in the back, or in that ring I know NOTHING.
Tonight when Tyler Black came out to wrestle Davey Richards, the crowd started a 'you sold out chant.' There was a great blog by Tom Holzerman that perfectly captures the disdain that I feel, when I hear chants like this. 10+ years ago people shouted the same thing at Taz, when he signed with the WWE
Anyway what I am trying to get at is that wrestling is a business. When guys like Brian Danielson, and Tyler Black go to the "bigs", its because SOMEONE saw something in them, and gave them a shot. (...At least that's what I'd like to believe, its not like Johnny Ace is gonna call me and ask me for an opinion on a signing, who am I anyway?)
You can watch as much wrestling as you want. If you don't like what the WWE is doing, and if you don't like what TNA is doing, DON'T WATCH! There is plenty of wrestling out there, all you have to do is look for it. Guys signing with big organizations, is nothing new. If anything it clears the way for new talent at the indies.
Now I'd like to switch gears for a bit. Luna Vachon was something that some of the DIVAS/KNOCKOUTS wish they could be. She was a great wrestler, she had PRESENCE as well, and she legitimately scared the bejesus out of people. There will never be another one like her, may she rest in peace.
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