Thursday, May 3, 2012

Psycho Shooter Drake Younger vs. Psycho Babble Sami Calihan

Watch This

While you're at it watch this too

Its the match that EVERYONE should be talking about.
Ever since Sami Calihan took out his anger and frustration on the legacy of ECW and Sabu on 1/14/12, he has (in his own words) become 'the next big thing'. He has also become an overbearing, annoying, egotistical jerk. All that ends on 5/5 when he faces the Psycho Shooter Drake Younger. 

I use to be a fan of Sami, but after 1/14/12 all bets are off. I watch his promos, and while they are "entertaining" at times, how many times can he be on the verge of insanity? I watched his latest promo and I was laughing at how comical it was.

Sami Calihan you are a one trick pony. On 5/5/12 Drake Younger is going to do the world a favor and knock you down a few pegs, back to reality. Because if you have to face reality, you might go crazy. Really crazy.

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