Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Questions Thread Pt. 3

Pieter asks: Best Slayer album
A: Reign In Blood 

Best MOOBS in wrestling?
1. Dusty Rhodes, 2. Bastion Booger, 3. Abdullah The Butcher  

Suptool asks: What Indy Promotions have you watched?
A: Evolve is the only thing I have regularly watched. I watched a bit of ROH, and CHIKARA's pod cast a go-go. I can only afford to keep up with one promotion right now.

Titantron asks: Would WCW still be around had the Fusient deal gone through?
A: I think it would be in some way shape or form but it would be changed to fit the times. It still would of been called WCW, but it would have a more realistic feel to it, more like MMA. Say what you want about Bischoff, but he is a marketer/salesman and he would always want to be at the forefront of what is fresh and new. Just don't have him BOOK the actual wrestling. 
Update-Fusient Media Ventures went out of business thanks to Eldest son for the heads up. I still say WCW would still be around someone would of bought it off FUSIENTS hands. The funny thing is it would probably be Vince and co.

Q: Where does the white go when the snow melts-ask the snowman

Q: Best Stones Era?- The Mick Taylor years

Q: Why is a Raven like a writing desk?-Ask the Mad Hatter

Q: Who would you rather bone Betty White or Whoopi Goldberg-three way! But Betty would get most of my attention. 

Q: Has the WWE ran out of ideas? NXT is crap, like the NWO all over again.-no the NXT angle when it was originally executed was great. Then Brian Danielson/Daniel Bryan got canned for choking some idiot announcer with a necktie (too violent for PG-TV), the angle lost steam and is just like everything else. Nothing in pro wrestling is original. The WWE needs to create new stars and make the matches important (like UFC) and let go of this soap opera bullshit.

Q: Should Mel Gibson .be blown before the jacuzzi?-Who cares about Mel Gibson just take the tapes and synch them up to some killer hip hop beats. As far as hummers in a jacuzzi go, at least it aint messy

Q: Why do the WWE arena lights flicker when an email from the GM comes in? Is it Stone Cold?-I don't know why the lights ficker, I don't know who the GM is. If it was me booking the angle I would have the GM be Jim Ross!

Q: Why does dog crap attract flies?GO HERE   

Q: What's the American Dream up to lately?-He's an agent/producer for the WWE, but 3hrs' answer that he is up to 400lbs is just as good 

Q:Back in 1981, during a vicious Cobra Clutch Challenge at the hands of Sgt Slaughter an unsightly thick white fluid started spewing from the side of Pat Patterson's mouth as he began slipping into unconsciousness... what could it have been?-baby butter?

Q: Whatever happened to Special Delivery Jones?

Does anyone remember laughter?-yeah I do
Where's that confounded bridge?-in my pocket
Tastes great or less filling?-Depends how her mood is
After leaving a crap is it better to wipe upwards or downwards?-who gives a s***

Q:Does a recording of Led Zeppelin, April 13th 1977 St Paul Minnesota exist?-ask slumpy, or Javit, or Freezer, or EVSD

Where can I find a full size version of weedwacker's avatar?-ask weedy
Did Bonzo remember the jail?-probably not
How much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?-allot!
What is wrong with Mel Gibson?-HE NEEDS A WOMAN!! TO BLOOOOW HIM!!
Should I trade the LS1 and ecm/harness in my garage for a ZZ4 long block and $750 cash?-Depends on how strapped for cash you are

Q: Is this a work, a shoot, or are you just cutting a promo?
A: Its a "worked shoot" the promos are required to pull it off!



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